However, even though those beautiful colors beckon and it’s hard to resist buying them, crocheters sometimes find themselves disappointed when they get them home and try to work with them. It’s just hard to tell how the yarn is going to work up. The results can vary dramatically depending on the crochet stitches that you use. Sometimes crocheters have a few bad experiences with variegated yarn and just give up. If you’ve ever made an ugly project using variegated yarn, then you aren’t alone. However, once you get a handle on how to use variegated yarn to its best advantage, it could result in some of your most spectacular crochet projects ever. Don’t be afraid to try variegated yarns. These crochet tips will help get you started. Colorways like this can ​accommodate a variety of different stitches, even the taller crochet stitches. In other words, whether you work them in single crochet or in double treble crochet, you’ll still get a beautiful result. Shorter lengths don’t always work in those taller stitches. If you need help figuring out which yarn brands offer long lengths of color in variegated yarns, check out lists of resources for planned color poolingin crochet. That’s a crochet technique that specifically calls for long-lengthcolor repeats in variegated yarn. It seems all wrong; if it’s tough to crochet with one set ofcolors in variegated yarn, then what would make it easier about adding multiple colors? However, sometimes it works out really well, giving you the most unique eye-catching crochet projects that you’ve ever created. Don’t take us at our word; try it and see for yourself! Some yarn combinations and stitch combinations work better than others, so be sure to check out these 5 ways to combine variegated yarns. However, when you start working with yarns that have distinctivecolor variations in the same skein, the differences between knit stitches and crochet stitches become much more apparent. They’re totallydifferent, and variegated colors that work well for one aren’t guaranteed towork well for the other. As it turns out, some yarn colorways were developed by knittersand intended for use in knitting projects. It’s possible that some of themmight not even have been tested in crochet projects, ever. There’s nothingwrong with that, but at the same time, it’s a shame when unsuspectingcrocheters purchase these yarns and are then disappointed when their projectsdon’t turn out well. A little research goes a long way here. If you want to buy yarnspecifically for crocheting, then it’s a good idea to research the yarn. Lookaround the manufacturer’s website and see if they recommend any crochetpatterns for use with that yarn. If there are crochet patterns that are alreadyknown to work well with the yarn, it’s a much safer bet that your crochetproject has a chance at success too. (Even so, there are no guarantees.) If the manufacturer is only displaying knitting patterns, andyou can’t find any evidence that the yarn works well for crochet, then at thatpoint it’s a total mystery. Maybe it will work well for crochet, but maybe itwon’t. Without doing further research, or making an actual purchase, you haveno way to know. Finally, you might want to learn about s-twist vs. z-twist in yarn. Crochet projects work best when using yarn that has been spun with a z-twist. This is particularlyimportant with variegated yarns. Therefore, if you want to try a new yarn andaren’t sure if it works well for crochet, looking at the twist is a good placeto start.