For best results, follow this four-step process. Although the process may seem excessive, following each step will reward you with a beautiful, smooth wood finish, whether you are painting the wood, applying an oil finish, or staining and finishing with topcoat varnish.

Tools and Supplies You Will Need

Air compressor or shop vacuumClean clothsTack clothDenatured alcohol

Vacuum or Blow Off Dust

Start by blowing off the bulk of the sawdust and sanding residue t using an air compressor fitted with a blower nozzle. Even better is vacuuming every surface and crevice of your project with a shop vacuum fitted with a good quality filter designed to trap the microscopic dust. While any vacuuming is better than none, a standard filter can cause the vacuum cleaner to exhaust dust right back into the room, where it can resettle on the wood surfaces. 

Wipe With a Clean, Dry Cloth

Next, wipe down the wood surfaces with a dry, clean cloth. A white cloth will allow you to see how much dust you are collecting as you wipe down your woodworking surface. 

Use a Tack Cloth

A tack cloth is really just a piece of loosely woven cheesecloth impregnated with beeswax. When lightly wiped over wood surfaces, it miraculously picks up dust that vacuuming and dry cloths cannot remove. Cut your tack cloth into small squares, and lightly wipe over all the wood surfaces. Inspect the tack cloth periodically to see how much dust you are collecting, and change the tack cloth whenever it gets dirty.  Using a tack cloth can also confirm that your wood surfaces have been properly sanded. If you find that the fine threads of the cloth are snagging on rough surfaces, it is a sign that you may not have been complete enough with your sanding. If you seek a perfect finish, make sure the tack cloth glides smoothly over the wood as you wipe; if not, return to the sanding stage to get it right. 

Wipe With Denatured Alcohol

Many woodworkers end the wood preparation step with the tack-cloth wipe-down, but for the very best results, conclude your preparation by wiping down the surfaces with a clean cloth moistened with denatured alcohol. The denatured alcohol will help pick up even the finest dust, and since it evaporates very quickly, it will not discolor the wood in any way. It is even safe to use on projects that will be used for food, such as a cutting board or a hardwood bread tray.

Ready for Finishing

Following this four-step process is the perfect preparation for painting, oiling, or staining your finest woodworking projects or hardwood flooring installation. After trying it once, it will become your standard procedure for all your woodworking projects. After this preparation procedure is complete, it is best to move on to the painting or finishing stage as soon as possible. Within a day or even a matter of hours, house dust can resettle on the wood and create problems for finishing.