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Quiz: Phobias, Part II If you’re afraid to get near a swimming pool, you might be suffering from . . . Quiz: Phobias, Part IIII Somebody with necrophobia would have no business applying for a job as . . .

Our Favorite Phobias, from A-Z

Acrophobia: fear of heights Agoraphobia fear of crowds, public places, or open areas Ailurophobia fear of cats Algophobia fear of pain Anglophobia fear of (or hatred for) England or anything English Aquaphobia fear of water Arachnophobia fear of spiders Aviophobia fear of flying in an airplane Ballistophobia fear of missiles, bullets, or being shot Bibliophobia fear (or mistrust) of books Claustrophobia fear of enclosed spaces Cynophobia fear of dogs Francophobia fear of (or hatred for) France or anything French Germanophobia fear of (or hatred for) Germany or anything German Gerontophobia fear of old people or old age Hemophobia fear of blood Logophobia fear of words Monophobia fear of being alone Necrophobia fear of death or dead bodies Nosophobia fear of disease Nyctophobia fear of night or darkness Ophidiophobia fear of snakes Paraskavedekatriaphobia fear of Friday the 13th Philophobia fear of love or falling in love Phobophobia fear of developing a phobia Photophobia fear of (or sensitivity to) light Pyrophobia fear of fire Russophobia fear of (or hatred for) Russia or anything Russian Sitophobia aversion to food Taphephobia fear of being buried alive Technophobia fear of advanced technology Thalassophobia fear of the sea Thanatophobia fear of death Toxiphobia fear of being poisoned Triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 Xenophobia fear (or hatred) of foreigners, strangers, or things that are foreign or strange Xylophobia fear of forests or wooden objects Zoophobia fear of animals Phobias - 41