LinkedIn users often ask about the maximum number of connections that can be made. And also what to do in case you reach the upper limit of LinkedIn connections. Before I answer this, allow me to say that LinkedIn is not like Facebook or Twitter. Even on sites like Facebook it is better to connect mainly with those whom you know. But on LinkedIn, it is even more important that you carefully make your connections. There is no point in having thousands of unknown connections who are inactive or don’t belong to your field of work. Anyway, let’s get to the primary question. You can have a maximum of 30,000 connections on LinkedIn. Still, you may find some people having more than 30,000 connections. Earlier, when LinkedIn started, there was no such upper limit. Users who made more than 30k connections before LinkedIn enforced the upper ceiling were allowed to keep their connections. So, what to do if you have reached the maximum number of LinkedIn connections? Can you accept more invites? No!, you can not accept anymore invites after reaching 30,000 first level connections. First of all, I would suggest that you do a “profile audit” of your LinkedIn profile. You should remove idle connections, unwanted connections and unrelated connection. You can make space for new connections by removing some of the existing connections. You may feel that removal of connections may harm your job search prospects. But it is not so. 30k is a huge number. If you have that many connections, it is almost certain that you’ll certainly find hundreds or may be thousands of connections which are no longer relevant of useful. You should remove exactly these connections. Mostly, it is not the quantity but the quality of your connections that matters on LinkedIn. Connect with those with whom you can have mutual professional benefits. Remember, LinkedIn is not a friendship oriented platform. It is purely professional. It means business. Please feel free to ask if you have any questions on this topic. I will be happy to try and help you. Thank you for using TechWelkin.

Manage LinkedIn Profile  Maximum Number of Connections - 85