Although there are loads of really cool features, the app has had its fair share of issues that lead people to switch to other messaging platforms. Due to its privacy issues, more and more people are deleting their telegram accounts as they think the app is not safe enough for them to use. You may also be looking to delete your account on Telegram but you may not know how to. That is why in this article we have put together some ways through which you can learn to delete Telegram Account. Just follow the steps provided and you will be good to go.

How to Delete Telegram Account?

Telegram has gained immense popularity but in recent times there also has been some negative issues with the app. Due to the privacy issues of Telegram, you may also be looking to delete Telegram Account as soon as possible. Deleting your account on Telegram is super easy and you can do so if you follow some simple steps that are mentioned down below.

How to Delete Telegram Account on Desktop?

1. Open up My Telegram on your browser.

2. Enter your Phone Number together with your Country Code.

3. Click on ‘Next‘.

4. Enter the ‘Confirmation Code‘ sent to your Telegram App.

5. Click on ‘Sign In‘

6. Click on ‘Delete Account‘.

7. Enter a reason why you are deleting your account.

8. Click on ‘Delete My Account‘.

9. Click on ‘Yes, Delete My Account‘.

How to Delete Telegram Account on Mobile?

1. Open Telegram & tap on ‘Settings‘.

2. Scroll down & tap on ‘Privacy and Security‘.

3. Scroll down & tap on ‘If Away For‘ option.

4. Tap on ‘Delete Account Now‘.

If you choose to select other options like 1 month or 1 year, you will have to be inactive on the app for that specific time period for your account to be deleted.

5. Tap on ‘Continue‘.

6. Tap on ‘Continue‘.

7. Enter Your Phone Number & tap on ‘Continue‘.

8. Tap on ‘Delete My Account‘

Your Telegram account is now deleted. If you chose other time period options, then do not use the app for the time period you have selected. Telegram will then automatically delete your account. So try to stay away from the app for the given time.

What Happens When You Delete Telegram Account?

When you delete a Telegram Account all of your chats, contacts, and the rest of your data on the app will be deleted. You will not be able to retrieve your messages and contacts as your account will be terminated permanently. If you have created groups or channels then they will still remain as well as the admins but the group will be without an owner. 

Is Telegram Safe?

Telegram is regarded as unsafe as the private and group chat are not end-to-end encrypted. People regard this as unsafe as your conversations and personal information will be stored by Telegram’s servers and is accessible to the Telegram Staff as well as third parties. However, Telegram does provide ‘Secret Chat‘ which is end-to-end encrypted so you get your required privacy while using that feature.

Can You Recover a Deleted Telegram Account?

No, you cannot recover a deleted Telegram account. Once you delete the Telegram account, it will be terminated permanently. Your chats and contacts will also be deleted so make sure that you check if you have any important information within the conversations that you may need in the near future.


Although Telegram has gained widespread popularity, it also has had its fair share of negative issues over the years. Issues related to privacy have been circling among the public for quite some time now. You may also have heard this and may have wanted to delete Telegram Account. But you do not have to be confused about how to delete your account as we have put together some steps above. That is it for this article. We hope that we were able to help you in some way or the other. If you have any questions or queries related to this topic, then please feel free to leave them down below. We will try to get to them as soon as possible so do not hesitate in asking. Related Article: How to Create a New Account on Telegram?


How to Delete Telegram Account  - 16How to Delete Telegram Account  - 6How to Delete Telegram Account  - 43How to Delete Telegram Account  - 71How to Delete Telegram Account  - 79How to Delete Telegram Account  - 88How to Delete Telegram Account  - 25How to Delete Telegram Account  - 66How to Delete Telegram Account  - 57How to Delete Telegram Account  - 34How to Delete Telegram Account  - 75How to Delete Telegram Account  - 66How to Delete Telegram Account  - 98How to Delete Telegram Account  - 8How to Delete Telegram Account  - 14How to Delete Telegram Account  - 88How to Delete Telegram Account  - 29How to Delete Telegram Account  - 15How to Delete Telegram Account  - 37How to Delete Telegram Account  - 4