Practice this one a few times and you’ll fool anyone. You can amaze them by having your audience examine the pencil before and after to confirm it is made of wood. They may think you have mastered some secret to swap it out for a rubber one under their very eyes. The set up for this trick is easy and there are no gimmicks involved. It’s all in the way you hold one wrist with the opposite hand. When done right, the pencil appears to be stuck to your hand. You can let go and the pencil will drop. Show it to your spectators so they know the pencil is completely normal. It’s best to move quickly on to the next trick so they don’t have a chance to count the fingers they can see. How do you get the pencil to stick without your “grabbing” hand? The secret to this one lies in what’s behind your arm and the fact that you’re wearing a watch. You will need to work on the angles at which your audience can view the trick so that you don’t expose your methods. For this one, the goal is to make the ring mysteriously levitate up and down the pencil. There is a simple secret behind it and you will have to do some prep work to make it happen. Yet, it’s easy and you’ll have a lot of fun with it.